The Perfect Work - Part #5
Can “Such” faith save him? That’s the Question we dove deep into The Word of God to Hear What the Father is Saying!
James 1:25, James 2:14-26, James 2, Ephesians 2:8-9, John 6:29, John 9:4, Matthew 11:2, John 10:25, Matt 5:16, Mark 14:6, John 3:19, Acts 7:22, 13:2, John 14:12, Hebrews 11:1-6, Joshua 2:8-12, 1 Peter 1:9, Galatians 5:22-25
What KIND OF FAITH is the Apostle James speaking of in Verse 14? He describes a FAITH that has no “works” of what is known in the heart and mind of someone who “says” they are Born Again.
You have to ask yourself, is this the same FAITH that God gives us to be born (Ephesians 2:8)? Is it even the FAITH that one Born Again lives revealing God from Faith to Faith (Romans 1:17), better yet is this the same FAITH that brings us to the expected end of salvation (1Peter 1:9)????
Apostle James reminds the Believers and Followers and Servants, the BROTHERN of Jesus Christ, that FAITH, given by God through which GRACE travels is A Faith that has Evidence: "Works" of The Perfect Work within each and every WHOSOEVER(John 3:16).
The Perfect Work of God in you is made Perfect, Complete, and Fulfilled by Works OF Faith! Faith is not completed without the RESPONSIVE EVIDENCE of your belief in God and His Word that has MADE you! Faith: the knowledge, truth, and understanding discerned by Holy Spirit to you,(1 Cor 1:24) Concerning Your God, Your Lord, and King that is known in your mind and heart. Faith MUST become Your truth that you produce Who You Are, The Righteousness of God! You Be Holy as I am Holy, Says the Lord! (1Peter 1:16)
Hearers and Doers of The Word are the Perfects Work of God. Hearer and Doers sacrificially give their lives to Christ, just as Christ gave His life for us…That’s why we are called Friends of God! WE Hear and Do in response to the Great Love and Power of God the Father, in His Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ!
Faith(Hebrews 11:1) is the beginning Works of God in the Believer, but for it to BE COMPLETED…the Evidence of His Work(of Faith) must be SEEN, DEMONSTRATED, EXECUTED IN YOU, IN THE EARTH! If not, it is not completed therefore it is dead, void in the Believer’s life!
What does it Profit you Brother and Sister in Christ to “Say” and you have no “Works?” Is your Confession of Christ, maturating you, growing you, increasing you, multiply you OR are you dead? Does Christ in you produce the Great Work of Saving Grace in your life, that you BE in the Image and likeness of your Lord of Confession? Questions are Mirrors, look and Don’t Forget! God does mighty exploits through us, but His GREAT WORK is IN US! (John 6:29)
Live out your Faith, completing it with God's works! Not to please man, but that mankind be able to SEE your God and His Great Truth and Way in YOU! Be the Evidence, The Witness, The Living Sacrifice that you ARE the Proof of His Good and Pleasing Will in the Earth (Romans 12:1-2)