Best Friends Forever!

There is no greater gift in the world than the life of Jesus Christ. Although a mighty sacrifice, the Creator Himself gifted His own Son that His people Become Who WE BE. God Himself knew the rare, precious commodity of mankind He made and put a value on us so great; only His only begotten Son could pay the price. Jesus was so intimately familiar with this immeasurable Love of the Father for the ones separated from Him, He willingly gave His life for them….Us. The ones called by His Name are Priceless!

The Apostle John, who went on to write the Gospel of John had a very unique perception of Jesus. Although Apostle John was a witness to the supernatural walk of Jesus as a prophet, king, and even priest, he knew Jesus as the one who loved him. The unconditional love of Jesus was personable to him and he was not ashamed to pen this in reference to himself as he wrote about the life of Jesus and His message. It is in this very gospel, that you will find something very profound in John 6:38-40. As Jesus is speaking to the disciples that followed Him to Capernaum, Jesus in all boldness and authority states that He shall not lose the ones His Father has sent Him. Think about that for a moment, Jesus says will not lose God’s children that believe in Him and He will raise them up on that last Day!

Let's be real, we can be really crazy at times and create our own best-case scenarios that put us in a whole lot of trouble. And many times, we find ourselves in situations and circumstances that are not our intentions, but we must deal with them. And when we deal with them out of our own will, we walk so far away from God we have to crawl our way back. What is so profound about this statement is that Jesus knows us better than we know ourselves and He opens His mouth to declare that He will raise us up on that last day. He is guaranteeing us to Father and He knows we are as dependable as a wet paper towel!

What does Jesus know that we don’t know? Our Lord has a plan and in His great knowledge, He knows He must take care of all of the details for us because life makes us have conversations and eat things we should not. (Genesis 3) The Lord of our lives knew we would need help on the earth to Be Who We Be, created from Heaven. He knew we would battle in our minds, our thinking, thoughts, our crazy mindsets, wavy ways, and past experiences, against the goodness of our new spirit as the image and likeness of Jesus.

Jesus knew we would need guiding, leading, counseling, teaching, reminding concerning Him so that we mature, and produce like Him.

Jesus knew that our emotions are finicky; false at times and influenced by our own desires as well the influences of things contrary to God. He knew we would need not only His presence as Lord to direct our feet, not only His authority as King to execute His kingdom through us but we would need His divine person and supernatural power in us continually so that His Word concerning us would not return void. 

What did Jesus know? Jesus knew we would need a Great Gift in His absence to live on the Earth! He knew, just like the giving heart of the Father, He would finish what He started (Phil 1:6). Jesus knew we would need an Advocate! He knew we would need leading in the desire of the Spirit of God, the presence of God Himself to guide, and empower us to be, will, and do all that is ordained for our lives. (Phil 2:13) Jesus gave us the Great Gift, the Holy Spirit to accomplish the things God has prepared for us who love him. (1 Cor.2:9-10) Jesus prayed for the gift of the Holy Spirit that He would be a special delivery from God. (John 16:16) Jesus knew what we required and He prayed for whom we needed to walk this life out as one of His own. 

The promise of the Holy Spirit is the Great Gift of Jesus Christ to us to win this race of life. All we have to do is receive Him and the Father is faithful to deliver. (Acts 2:38, Luke 11:13) He is the Spirit of God who dwells in our “new spirit”, advocating, teaching, guiding, warning, empowering, reminding, and speaking what He hears the Father say to us. He is the One to take us through this journey of life, to the Glory of God. 

The Holy Spirit is your gift for the asking! If Jesus knew you needed him, isn’t he worth the asking?

The Holy Spirit is ready and waiting to do a mighty work in and through you. Ask Jesus to fill you afresh today that living waters flow from your very being and revive every atmosphere you encounter for His name’s sake. Remember, you can’t beat God's giving and Jesus made preparations that you receive a Great Gift, receive the Holy Spirit so that you may receive ALL that God has for you!

Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

- Acts 2:38(BSB)

Chamel Evans

Helping female Christian entrepreneurs to confidently show up, walk in their purpose, and serve others well. Faith Mentoring . Strategy . Web/Graphic Designer

Blind Faith Series - Born Blind


What God Said! It’s in His Word