Blind Faith Series - Born Blind

Terebinth Moreh Ministries is pleased to present this year, for our quarterly Blog Series, “Blind Faith”. Frances Archer of Under The Tree Teaching Ministry will take us through the knowledge and understanding of this God Kind of Faith!

This series will challenge old thought processes and bring a new understanding of your SIGHT IN CHRIST, IS DEPENDENT UPON YOUR HEARING!

Born Blind

John 9:3 Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him

Helen Keller was blind from her early toddler years. The loss of her sight prevented her from seeing light, partaking in the beauty of awesome colors, or even the beauty of nature created by God. No surgery or cure could correct this loss of sight, but she was alive and existing as a living, breathing human being.  

Helen Keller lived to be 88 years old and fulfilled a legacy of learning to communicate. She earned a college degree and became a recognized speaker and advocate for the rights of the disabled. Helen Keller was blind and deaf but she accomplished many successes which are great in comparison with many others who have sight and hearing!

When we are born in this world from the womb of a woman and begotten by a male, we are born with the senses to see, hear, touch, smell, and taste.

These 'human" senses, as they are called, navigate us through this earth to observe and know, make decisions and respond to our world and people.

These are the mechanisms that humankind is born with to “know” themselves and everything else. The very experiences of your life, whether remembered or not, understood or not, beneficial to you or not, teach you or not…these experiences from living in your human body are influenced by what you “sense” in your very mind, thoughts, emotions, and soul! 

The very “heart” of you is framed by the world and how you “sense” it! What you come to “know” is what you have seen, heard, felt, smelt, and touched. What you experienced through your senses is embedded in your very inner place of you!  The unseen place of you is your life seat. It is in this very place of the inner self, that houses the source of life which brings and keeps the mystery of your physical body alive as a living soul. 

As a living soul, your “senses” are gates to your thoughts and ways that develop who you are, in personality and integration of heredity, influences, and environment. Everyone is influenced by their environment, whether it is pleasant or not! You become as you allow influences from your  “senses” to groom you to be. 

Helen Keller did not have sight or hearing, but in her life, she was able to learn and grew in knowledge. She matriculated through life, although respectively in a great climb of obstacles of no fault of her own. She lived and was an intricate part of society and her own person. 

Interestingly enough, when Helen Keller was introduced to the knowledge of God as reported through her letters, she said she knew Him, she just didn’t know His name! She knew God before language or even the understanding to communicate, She knew the presence of God beyond her sight and even her hearing. When she learned to communicate, she was able to express her relationship with God and His presence in the blindness and deafness of her physical senses!

There is Something Greater than the “senses” of our physical life when it comes to God!

He is greater than the physical vessel we are born in!  He created us to navigate this world in the packaging of humankind, but He is greater than our human making and our language and concepts. He is higher than our imaginations and perceptions. He is beyond our experiences in the created, made, and formed human capacity. God is and has always been BEFORE and ABOVE the created humankind. 

God is Spirit and Eternal, He creates, manifests but in all He does…He remains! Be encouraged that God, Elohim is greater than you and greater than your “senses”. He simply….is!  Despite your lacking or the lacking of this world, God Always IS!

Are you like Helen Keller? Do you “know God” but don’t know His name? Do you sense One, you can’t explain that comforts and keeps you?  Are you pulled to “know” this God that would be with a little girl who can’t even speak or understand? Do you desire to come into an understanding of God, that you know Him, like Helen Keller in the darkness of your life? Jesus tells us to “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavily laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matt 11:28) He is the only One who knows the Father and “whomsoever” He reveals Him to. (Matt 11:27)

Knowing God the Father must come by way of Jesus Christ! We can simply come to know Christ in the place of Him as Savior and grow into a relationship with Him as our Lord. And in this relationship through faith in Him, Jesus promises to reveal Our Father to us.  

Knowing God and the One, who reveals Him, Jesus Christ is beyond our physical “senses”! Could this be an illustration of BLIND FAITH? Living by faith and not by sight? How do you live without the very “senses” to navigate God things and even your own mind to know God, The Father you have not known? 

Let Helen Kellar’s life encourage you to close your EYES and TRUST in The One who died for you because of The One who First Loved you!

As Born Again Christians, we are led by the precious gift of The Holy Spirit, not our five “senses”! Think About That, It’s Something to Meditate in the Word! 

Jesus Christ gives a new life in His name and The Father fulfills His own will through faith in the faithfulness of Jesus as our only salvation. He sends The Holy Spirit to dwell and lead us so that not only do we know Him, but we know His name becoming the great cloud of witnesses of Him on Earth! 

We live life out loud in the One not seen but KNOWN!

John 9:25 

He answered and said, “Whether he be a sinner or not, I know not. One thing I know, that whereas I was blind, now I see.”


Blind Faith Series - “Hearing” Comes!


Best Friends Forever!