The Godly Life is simply the life in that one who is born differently and one who lives differently! (2 Corinthians 5:17, Romans 1:17, 1 Peter 1:9) The “difference” is of and by God, the Creator and Father of all. God did a NEW THING that was Jesus Christ! (Is 43:19)
The Godly Life is simply the life in that one who is born differently and one who lives differently! (2 Corinthians 5:17, Romans 1:17, 1 Peter 1:9) The “difference” is of and by God, the Creator and Father of all. God did a NEW THING that was Jesus Christ! (Is 43:19)
Born Again Christians are not “mere humans” we are of God in the sacrifice, life, and resurrection of Jesus Christ! We are the “adopted”, We are the “sons”, “holy nation” of God. (Galatians 3:26, Eph 3:20, 1Peter 2:9) )
The Godly Life is not a quick fix for your current situations and circumstances. The Godly Life is the existence you have on the earth as the possession of God in Jesus Christ to overcome and prevail in everyday experiences, whether the valleys or mountain top triumphs. Yes, Born Again Believers experience hardships, pain, disappointment, and even death as one who carries the vessel of humanity!
But there is more of you than what you see in the mirror, THE GREATER of you WITHIN! God has given you life and everything you need to live HIS KIND OF LIFE, it’s called….GODLINESS! There’s the difference…GOD! IT is on the road of Faith that your life is forever revealing the “seed” of HIM in the earth THROUGH YOU!
The Father has sent His Son that His “sons” be CREATED, ESTABLISHED, MAINTAINED, MATURED, SUSTAINED, CARRIED, EMPOWERED, AND FULFILLED THAT THE GOD OF HIM PERMEATE THE EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN! WHY???? That all know and come to adore and honor the Great I AM and those that are drawn will obtain “like precious faith” for the harvest that the angels in heaven are anticipating! (John 4:35)
The Godly Life is a gift from The Father of His mercy, love, and grace, it must be RECEIVED and one must REMAIN for the fulfillment of the REWARD of their Lord! Do not be deceived, a RELATIONSHIP with THE SAVIOR, THE LORD, AND THE KING IS FUNDAMENTAL FOR THIS KIND OF LIFE IN JESUS CHRIST!
This life is different and it is different because it is of God, know what He says concerning you and the precious gift of godliness in and through His Son, Jesus! Sorry, you cannot REIMBURSE God for your life, it takes a “different” payment type. It’s Called the sanctified Blood of Christ!
Be Renewed today, that the Godly Life is the DIFFERENCE OF HIM in you! Grow in the Wisdom, stature, and in Favor with your Father and man, for it is the path for one who is DIFFERENT! (Luke 2:52, Romans 12:1-2)
Be the Difference….Godly Life!
1Peter 1:3 His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by *his own glory and goodness.
Frances Archer
Terebinth Moreh Ministries
If you take the time to read today, you will be Empowered and Encouraged in the Life you Confess! You can not talk about the Godly Life, The Journey of our Existence in the Life IN Jesus Christ, and NOT talk about sin!
If you take the time to read today, you will be Empowered and Encouraged in the Life you Confess!
You can not talk about the Godly Life, The Journey of our Existence in the Life IN Jesus Christ, and NOT talk about sin!
Jude 1:3 Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.
Let’s remind ourselves that SIN is the reason God, “slain His Son before the foundations of the earth.” In other words, God had a plan as God is sovereign in all knowledge and the Master of All and of ALL things. God knew He would need a Savior for the ones He would create on the earth for His Glory(Rev 13:8, Is 43:7, Is 63:5).
This is the revealed knowledge throughout the Bible as God reveals Himself to those who are seeking Him. The facts are that He created us and created us to the pleasure of Him! He had a plan before the created ones of HIM were even “made and formed” in that what He declared, that He would be our God and we will be His people, would stand! (Rev 21:7, 2 Corinthians 6:16)
God the Father of THOSE “called out”, the ones who have believed that Jesus is the Son of God, the ones who confess the finished work of Jesus Christ in their lives and now live in the power of God that raised Jesus from death, THOSE who live by the work, standard, rule and reigning of The Lord and King Jesus Christ, from faith to faith, through the leading and empowerment of His Spirit, Holy Spirit. "THOSE PEOPLE!" Yes, people, born again…Christians who are saved from the consequence of eternal separation from God of their lives. Salvation was needed because of SIN. In the words of Christ, it is settled….. Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. (John 3:3) Sin must be talked about!
Now Saved and being saved awaiting the coming of the Rewarder and Judging of every soul, SIN is still on the earth! And the Church, THOSE BORN AGAIN, must CONTEND FOR THE FAITH WE WERE GIVEN IN OUR SALVATION. (Jude 1:3) You, must defend and be the defense in the earth of Who is your Redeemer and the New Creation you are made and formed, being revealed in the Life of Jesus Christ! The world's ideals and ways, the selfish and ambitious wills of our flesh, and enticements of satan are not of The Father, but they are tools of the Adversary to draw us away from God, His truth and Way, that the abundant life you are given becomes a faint memory, THAT YOU WILL WALK AWAY FROM THE KNOWLEDGE OF HIM REVEALED TO YOU.(Romans 8:7, James 4:4, James 1:14, 1Timothy 4:1-2, Romans 1:18-26, 32)
I want to encourage you today, that God is Faithful, He knew the journey of His children on earth. He knew we would need His presence and power to come to the end of our faith! Just like He knew we needed Jesus, He knows we need until HIm until the Day of the Lord!
He sent Holy Spirit to live within us and to lead us because we are His “sons”. (Romans 8:14) He is the Witness of Jesus, that will empower us to deny ourselves and take the “Way of Escape” of every temptation which is His Word that we “follow Christ” and BE the overcomers He has created us to be! (John 15:26, 1John 5:4)
Yes, SIN is still the enemy! Yes, SIN is still on the earth! Yes, SIN is still an issue, even with the Born Again in our daily walk unto eternal life! BUT we in Jesus Christ are “more than conquers”. DON’T PLAY WITH SIN, CONTEND FOR THE FAITH IN WHICH YOU LIVE! (Romans 8:37, Jude 1:3) It’s not a work but A WAY of our Godly LIfe! Thank you Jesus for The Way and The Truth!
1 Corinthians 10:13 There hath no temptation taken you but such as man can bear: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation make also the way of escape, that ye may be able to endure it.
It’s Intentional! It’s the Godly Life!
Bless you, to all those who joined us on Tuesday's Talk, WE are renewing our minds!
Frances Archer
Terebinth Moreh Ministries
Easter Holiday of tradition and historical influence of greek, Jewish and other cultures. We can spend days filtering through the details and the errors of this holiday. However, for those who are born again in Jesus Christ through the word and power of God, this time of the year is a holiday!
A Celebration of The Power of God for YOU!
Easter Holiday of tradition and historical influence of greek, Jewish and other cultures. We can spend days filtering through the details and the errors of this holiday. However, for those who are born again in Jesus Christ through the word and power of God, this time of the year is a holiday! A holiday is by definition a timing or a day that is set aside from “normal activities” to celebrate or commemorate an event. For the true Christian, this holiday is a public opportunity to celebrate with joy the events of our Lord and King Jesus Christ. We have come to know, that the Path, Passion, and the Resurrection of Christ are the “events” that changed our lives over 2000 years ago.
The Power of His Resurrection in Word and Deed found us in our darkness and brought us into the Light, Life of our Lord that lingers and restores us today. This holiday is an opportunity to voice and demonstrate our obedient love to The One who sacrificed Himself willing and bore the sins of the world that The Father would be satisfied through justice to condemn sin in His created ones through His blood.
It is through the Path, Passion, and Power of Christ in every believer in the Life of Jesus, that their heart is grateful and indebted only to HIm for Life and Life abundantly. We share in the fellowship of one Faith, one Father, and one Lord. Our one faith is in the finished works of the Savior and the completed works of The Lord and King of all things in Heaven and all things on the earth!
The Resurrection of Christ, the Anointed One is not a day on the calendar, nor is it the celebration of traditions for the Born Again but it is an EVENT that all may know The ALL Powerful God, the Father of Jesus Christ, our Creator!
The Resurrection of Christ is foreshadowed in The Bible through the lives of the Israelites. The Jewish culture acknowledges this timing on their calendar known as Passover which commemorates the deliverance of God’s people from slavery from the foreign force of “Eygpt”. In the same way, The Resurrection of Christ, through the miraculous power of God's heart and hand, conquered death for the ones He loves. Death “passed over” His people and He lead them out of the oppressor's hands in Power!
The Resurrection Power of God is a demonstration of His love to set free those He first Loved! A Love that is never forgotten or Forsaken, a Love that Cast our all Fear, A Love that Remains!
Remember, Celebrate and Communerate The Resurrection of Jesus Christ in Honor and adoration of Our Father who loves beyond the Power of Death and Raised His Son for our Peace and Righteousness! Remember the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ took the Path and the Passion of Himself to Suffer and Die! It was in His Death that The Power of God Raised HIm and That Power Lives in you!
He has Risen and He is Risen in you!
Frances Archer
Terebinth Moreh Ministries
We are Born In Jesus to Make it TO HIM!
Jude 1:24-25 Now all glory to God, who is able to keep you from falling away and will bring you with great joy into his glorious presence without a single fault. All glory to him who alone is God, our Savior through Jesus Christ our Lord. All glory, majesty, power, and authority are his before all time, and in the present, and beyond all time! Amen.
Jude 1:24-25 Now all glory to God, who is able to keep you from falling away and will bring you with great joy into his glorious presence without a single fault. All glory to him who alone is God, our Savior through Jesus Christ our Lord. All glory, majesty, power, and authority are his before all time, and in the present, and beyond all time! Amen.
Apostle Jude ended his short letter to “those who have been called, who are loved in God the Father and kept for Jesus Christ” with a declaration of God being the only one is able to keep us from stumbling. Apostle Jude had to address the false teachers that were among the Christians during that time that were perverting the very understanding of the unmerited favor and power of God to give eternal life in Jesus Christ. Perversion is to take something and “turn it away” from the truth of it, to alter it from its true intent or purpose. These false teachers taught that the Grace of God was a “license to sin”, denying the very one who was crucified that “sin” dealt with in our lives. Sin acts against God, from our minds or motivation, are the very things that separated us from our Creator and Father, God.
Does that sound familiar? “False Teachers” in our eyes and ears manipulating, presenting “perverted” information, cunningly enticing the people of God to accept and participate in the very acts, attitudes, ways, and worldly truths that oppose God! Even to the craftiness of using the language and ways of godly messages to falsely pull us away to “forms of light”……..pure deception of the truth and a lie!
False Teachers in our generation are not only those that are ungodly people but also media and social facades that give an impression of God and His ways but are inherently impure and not from the Father of All. These false ideas and ways are not uncommon to mankind and will entice us in the natural or carnal areas of our human lives. Why, because the “flesh” of human nature is without God, and cannot perceive much less desire Him. The ‘flesh’ desires what it wants for its own satisfaction, never considering God or “every word that proceeds out of His mouth”.
But now in the lives of Jesus Christ, indwelt by the Holy Spirit we have everything we need to live a godly life and come to the purpose of God’s will and end of the given faith in Jesus, our salvation. Salvation into peace with our God and the promise of eternal life WITH HIM! Sin is present in the human capacities of believers; however, Holy Spirit is doing a mighty work IN US to bring us to the glorious end as evidence of God’s faithfulness in what He created. Sin may have its moments in us however it will not prevail because Holy Spirit is in us and we are in Jesus Christ. Grace is not a license to sin, it is a license to be free and overcome, what the enemy of God, the “adversary” among us wants to steal, kill and destroy….your life and your life in Christ!
He is greater in you than you can ever imagine or think! Yield to Holy Spirit, be led by Him in every area of your life, obey the Words of Jesus revealed to you daily and mature in the life of Him, producing the godly ways and truth in your life!
Scriptures of references: Jude 1, Is 59:2, 1Timithy 4, James 1:1-16, 2 Peter 1, 1 Corinthians 10:13, 1 Peter 1:9, Romans 8:9-11, John 14:26, John 10:9-10, John 14:23)
It’s Intentional It’s the Godly Life!
Frances Archer
Terebinth Moreh Ministries
No Condemnation!
The Reality of Life in Jesus Christ is that you are no longer found guilty and punished for the sin that you were born in from your mother’s womb. This SAME sin that has been judged by The Creator, God and the only payment is death.(Roman 6:23)
Romans 8:1 NKJV
There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.
The Reality of Life in Jesus Christ is that you are no longer found guilty and punished for the sin that you were born in from your mother’s womb. This SAME sin that has been judged by The Creator, God and the only payment is death.(Roman 6:23)
The Good News is and always been the Life, Sacrifice, Death of Jesus Christ is the Payment God requires for sin. He Did it! And He did it for the world! It is Finished! (1 John 2:2, Hebrews 10:12-14)
Sin is judged and God has given full and all authority to Jesus Christ to judge mankind concerning the Payment that is due to God. (John 5:22, John 17:2)
We Thank the Father Today that Jesus, who is our Lord, gives those who are:
Born Again
Created as new creations in HIM
Indwelled by the Holy Spirit
(John 3, 2 Corinthinan 5:17, Romans 10, Acts 2:38) If have NOT Received The Free Gift of Life in Jesus Christ through Faith, you will have to pay The Cost of Sin with your own Life!
For Those one with Jesus Christ, The devil cannot accuse you, or condemn you before God because of the Blood of Jesus Christ that clothes you!
What do you do with a LIFE like that? Live Free Indeed and Freely Reconciled with One who Created you! (John 8:36)
YOU Walk-LIVE! A Life in Gratitude and Honor through Obedience to One who Saved you! It’s called love! As Apostle John reveals to us the best, “And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love” (2 John 1:6)
Refresh Yourself in Your Confession that You Belong to Jesus Christ and Treasure the Gift of Life of Jesus by building holy and righteous ways of God in every area of your being.
1 Corinthians 3:12-13
If anyone builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, 13 their work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each person’s work.
It’s Intentional. It’s the Godly Life!
Frances Archer
Terebinth Moreh Ministries
My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.
1 JOHN 2:1
My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.
The throne of God is open to you! The Father has made a way that you can come before Him in honor and petition in the Blood Bought Life that is the Light in men, Jesus Christ! The Father of us All remembers your sins no more in Jesus Christ(Hebrews 10:17)
Salvation in Jesus Christ brings our hearts into continual gratitude and devotion of The Creator and The Savior, that all that you are, your heart is willing to give freely for Your Lord and Your King, Jesus!
Sin is not an issue with God concerning your eternal salvation in the finished work of Jesus Christ. He is who the Bible reveals He is, He did do and accomplish what God the Father sent Him to do! RECONCILED THE WORLD BACK TO THE FATHER. (2 Corinthians 5:18)
Jesus was slain before the foundation of earth manifested as our Lord and King, Jesus Christ. (Rev. 13:8)
Jesus was sent by the pleasure of Father to suffer and die for the sins of the WORLD! (Is. 53, 1 John 4:14)
Jesus paid the asking price for us that satisfied the justice of God, and paid it in full, now and forevermore. (1 John 2:2, Galatians 3:14, Hebrews 10:12)
Jesus is our Bonifield Advocate that has Covered the Cost of our life with HIS!
Jesus Saved the World but only those who RECEIVED The Word are the Children of God. (John 1:12) Children will always be the Children of Father and He will conform us, through the Holy Spirit to be who we are Created...His Righteousness.
John 8:36
If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed
Frances Archer
Terebinth Moreh Ministries
In Salvation Receiving The Word or the Rejection of The Word brings Life or a Continuum of death, total separation from the Creator and Father of Us All. God, before the beginning of time, chose The Word to bring Life, The Word to be Heard, The Word to be seen, The Word to be experienced and The Word to bring Light to all men! (John 1)
John 1:12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name..
In Salvation Receiving The Word or the Rejection of The Word brings Life or a Continuum of death, total separation from the Creator and Father of Us All. God, before the beginning of time, chose The Word to bring Life, The Word to be Heard, The Word to be seen, The Word to be experienced and The Word to bring Light to all men! (John 1)
All men, All mankind, the WhoseSoEvers that believe in what they Heard concerning the Sent Savior, the Exalted King, and Lord, Jesus Christ have believed and received Him and shall be saved in the Day of Lord, as ones Born Again in Jesus Christ! (Mark 16:19)
What you heard, What pierced your heart, What brought your mind to turn to God and adhere to what He said was the heard knowledge of The Only Begotten Son! John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
It is this Word, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, that is the Power of God unto Salvation! (Romans 1:16) The Word and Power of God that birthed you….. NOT of your natural descent, NOT of fleshly will or desires to procreate, NOT even your own willingness to know God, But Born of God! (John 1:13) Born Again, NOT of your mother’s womb BUT of The Water(The Word of God you Heard) and The Spirit(The Power of God, His Person in the earth). You are Begotten of The Father, who is spirit and Now in Jesus, You are born spirit! (John 3, John 4:24))
Your natural life is not irrelevant but it is OBSOLETE, now in Jesus Christ! One who RECEIVED THE WORD IS A NEW CREATION, A CHILD OF GOD! (2 Cor. 5:17)
What is the fate, destination of one who REJECTS THE WORD, WHO IS CHRIST? They are condemned, they have missed the mark of The One Who was sent to be their salvation and reconciliation with The Father. They will be judged by Jesus concerning their life and accounted for righteousness or wickedness, as simple as that!
Righteousness is ONLY in Jesus Christ! Wickedness is sin and sin has a cost! The wages of sin is death, and the whosoevers that are not written in Lamb’s book of life are condemned to eternal separation from The Creator. (Romans 6:23, John 3:18, Rev. 13:8, John 5:30, Acts 17:30-31)
Those Who Recieve The Word are given the Right as the Children of God and Those Who Reject The Word is condemned to death and not a partaker of Eternal life.
It’s simple, it’s straight forward and it’s crucial for everyone YOU know! The question for your family and friends should be: Are you, my friend, my neighbor….. Born Again in Jesus Christ???
Ask the Question Saints and Have The Answer of Life, Jesus Christ! Their life depends on it!
Join us Next Week on Tuesday's Talk Under the Tree as we seek The Word concerning those Who are Born Again and Rejecting The Word in this Intentional journey called Life!
Frances Archer
Terebinth Moreh Ministries
The book of John gives us a different perspective of thought concerning Jesus Christ from the Synoptic Gospels, Matthew, Mark, and Luke! Apostle John states the reason the Gospel of John was written is “that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God and that by believing you may have life in his name.” (John 20:31)
JOHN 1:1-5, 14
The book of John gives us a different perspective of thought concerning Jesus Christ from the Synoptic Gospels, Matthew, Mark, and Luke! Apostle John states the reason the Gospel of John was written is “that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God and that by believing you may have life in his name.” (John 20:31)
Apostle John, as the witness that observed, lived, followed, listened, heard, and received the Living Word in the flesh, gives us the understanding that Jesus Christ is the Son of God from HIM and of HIM, God!
The Word, Eternal, and Spirit is The Anointed one, The Logos, The Son of God and ALL of Who God is, Jesus is Him, manifested in the earth to Save the World from the darkness of death now and give life, now and forevermore! His Name is Jesus, The Christ! Jesus, The Word!
Jesus has always been and always was and will always be! Jesus is of God and From, as the Angel told Mary, I remind you today, the One who was born is called the Son of God. Born as the Holy Spirit came upon her and the Highest overshadowed her, to bring forth the Son of God CLOTHED in the tent, form of a bondservant of Humankind.
The Word, "He" walked the earth that WE could and would know Him as the Gift and Substance of a new life and live a God-ordained and purposed life…The Godly Life! (Luke 1:35, Phil 2:7, 2 Cor 5:17, 2 Peter 1)
John 1:1 What God Said(Logos) and God
John 1:2 The Person of God as “He”, Jesus and “He” has Always been, Eternal
John 1:3 He is Creator and the Substance of all Creation
John 1:4 The Zoe’ Life of God in the earth
John 1:5 The Light of Men in the earth
John 1:14 The Human living soul of the Divine God in the earth
Frances Archer
Terebinth Moreh Ministries
What is God's pattern to establish a thing, that it is completed to His expected end? The core, the essence of God’s establishment of Himself in mankind, is His Word!
What is God's pattern to establish a thing, that it is completed to His expected end? The core, the essence of God’s establishment of Himself in mankind, is His Word!
Before God formed mankind from the dust of the ground, He spoke it first! Genesis 1:26, Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness;”. God spoke the heavens and earth into existence, in The Beginning! Before they appeared, The Voice of God, His very Thoughts were Spoken and there it became. (Genesis 1)
God spoke and mankind was made and formed! (Genesis 1:27, Genesis 2:7)
God sent His Word and We became a New Creation in Jesus Christ (2Cor. 5:17)
God has fulfilled His own Word to His expected end, His Will! (John 6:38, Matt 5:17))
People of God, the possession of Him, (1 Peter 2:9) You are Created, Made, Formed, Drawn, Sustained, Kept, Tested, Trialed, Matured, Delivered, and Empowered by His Word! Call it what you wish…..The Word, The Word of God, God’s Word, The Holy Scriptures, Prophecies ……But it is All Scripture! (2 Timothy 3:16) Nothing eliminated or added to, Just what God Said! And What God Said is contained in the 66 Books of The Bible, the divine Words of His very thoughts. Written down for our benefit! (Romans 4:23)
Study The Word, there is where you Seek and Find God (John 1). Holy Spirit only speaks what He hears, and what He hears is What God Said. Holy Spirit is our divine Teacher to guide and give us understanding as the Spirit of Truth! (John 16:13)
The Word is holy, sacred, consecrated, and divine. Why? Because The Word is God! The Word is His Truth. The Word is His Power, and The Word will accomplish His Will.(Is 55:11)
Be the Student of God’s Word, Your LIfe is Dependent Upon it!
Frances Archer
Terebinth Moreh Ministries
Imagine this…. the Potter, the creator of vessels decides He wants to make a new vessel. In His mind, He has determined the very intricate parts that will be a pleasure to Him.
Imagine this…. the Potter, the creator of vessels decides He wants to make a new vessel. In His mind, He has determined the very intricate parts that will be a pleasure to Him. The Potter begins to walk to the wheel and in His mind formulates the very motions and strokes of His hands to produce His thoughts and desires for the miraculous creation of His making. The Potter has a desire that His hands create the expression of Himself in the image and likeness of His will. That when He is finished, what He created in His mind is in the cup of His Hands.......made & formed according to Him, and it is very good!
We, people of God, are created, formed, and made by The Creator. Mankind; men &women are the supernatural created beings of God, who is Elohim. You were thought of, imagined, planned, and desired by the One who created you. By and only by His power and authority, you exist in His hands! It is in the Hands of God that He works in us, another vessel in Jesus Christ that we are blameless and spotless before Him. Being formed daily unto the Good Works of image, likeness, His authority, and rule, that we are the evidence of Our Father in the earth.
Be encouraged today that you are of GREAT BEGINNINGS OF GOD and the NEW BEGINNING IN JESUS CHRIST! He thought it and purpose it, and it is good to Him! Why?? He knows the end of His own pleasure! Be Blessed.
Philippians 1:6
And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.
Frances Archer
Terebinth Moreh Ministries
In the Beginning, God Created, and everything else from that point came into existence by His voice. God spoke what He created, what He knew in His own mind! People of God, nothing started with Genesis 1, it all starts with God and it is revealed to us in the Holy Scriptures and demonstration of God’s in our lives. God is the one who knows the End from the Beginning. (Isaiah 46:10)
Philippians 1: 6-7 And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. 7 It is right for me to feel this way about you all, because I hold you in my heart, for you are all partakers with me of grace, both in my imprisonment and in the defense and confirmation of the gospel.
In the Beginning, God Created, and everything else from that point came into existence by His voice. God spoke what He created, what He knew in His own mind! People of God, nothing started with Genesis 1, it all starts with God and it is revealed to us in the Holy Scriptures and demonstration of God’s in our lives. God is the one who knows the End from the Beginning. (Isaiah 46:10)
It is this same voice that created all that you see every day in creation, that He says, “My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.” (Isaiah 46:10) His purpose will prevail(Proverbs 19:21)! When God, who is Elohim, Creator God says it…….. It is so! And It will happen! (Isaiah 14:24) Why, because He is the Almighty; El Shaddai, The Master; Adonai and He is Alpha and Omega, He is God!
The Master, All Power God has a plan for those He created to be as He created, as He pleased in His own heart….His pleasure… His Will…what satisfies Him. He is God that can and will complete what He wants, what He desires, and what He has orchestrated in His Mind, in His Hands, and His Created making! God is sovereign, which means He is the Only One and He has the power to begin, form, make and complete all He desires. He is One who created all things and it is only by Him all things are held together. (Colossians 1:17)
It is our all-powerful, all-knowing God who has determined His will in YOU and THERE He Works because He is faithful to Himself and His own desire, which is that the ones He created to be conformed into the good, pleasing will that is His son, Jesus Christ! (Romans 8:29)The good, holy, and righteousness that is of Him and is Him. He will not deny Himself, He has determined His way will come to pass and come to pass in you! (2 Timothy 2:13)
Be confident as Apostle Paul was as he spoke to those born again enduring with patience the process of salvation and sanctification through the WORK OF GOD IN THEM. His confidence was not in the error of mankind, but the proven FAITHFULNESS OF GOD IN HIS WILL FOR US! HE WILL SEE YOU TO THE BLESSED END!
1 Corinthians 1:8
He will keep you strong to the end so that you will be free from all blame on the day when our Lord Jesus Christ returns.
Frances Archer
Terebinth Moreh Ministries
Since everything around us is going to be destroyed like this, what holy and godly lives you should live, 12 looking forward to the day of God and hurrying it along. On that day, he will set the heavens on fire, and the elements will melt away in the flames.
2 Peter 3:11-12
Since everything around us is going to be destroyed like this, what holy and godly lives you should live, 12 looking forward to the day of God and hurrying it along. On that day, he will set the heavens on fire, and the elements will melt away in the flames.
As we are MADE the Righteousness of God in Jesus Christ and set apart to God as His own possession, We are a Special Kind! We are the CHOSEN, ELECTED race of the people of God, the Creator Himself, as those in Jesus Christ to be His ROYAL priesthood, HOLY NATION. That is your ethnic background, that is the race of your bloodline and your past, present, and future of the legacy of your life! (2 Corinthians 5:21, 1 Peter 2:9)
The Righteousness of God is His people, The righteousness of God is the Way He made us in right standing before Him, and the righteousness of God is the Way of those made righteous. It is in the Creation and Making of His children in His Son, Jesus we are made a peculiar way and made to function, operate a peculiar way… it’s called Holy. The ultimate essence, existent of Our Father is that He is Holy and He created us Holy as He is in the death, life, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. (1Peter 1:15-16, Romans 1:17)
Knowing that we are made the Righteousness of God and now His own possession, He has given us a life that is filled with promises of eternal life and we will only die once, through faith on the Cross of Christ! And now living in the life of Jesus, through His divine power, He has given us everything we need to live a godly life that we honor, exalt and demonstrate the great promises and blessings of our “making” in the earth. (John 3:16, Hebrew 9:27, 2Peter 1:1-4)
This is not a long answer, We are to be obedient! It is only in the obedience to God through His holy word does He set us apart from the world bringing us to the end of our sanctification, which is being conformed and transformed into the image of His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ! (Romans 8:29, Romans 12:1-2)
God who is our sanctifier will spend every day of your life setting us apart from the world and anything that is hostile to Him, through Holy Spirit, His Faith, and His Word. Our fellowship in God’s Work is to be obedient to His Will, His Way, and His Pleasure. Trusting and Believing all things are worked out for our good, those that love HIM, those that are obedient to Him. (Lev. 20:8, Romans 15:15-16, 2 Thess 2:13, Ephesians 2:8, John 17:17. Romans 8:28, 1John 5:3 )
Be Encouraged Today that God, our Creator, and Father is doing a Great Work in you, that every promise, even the very promise that you will be blameless before Him in Jesus shall and will be fulfilled. Your job, Saints is to fellowship, yield, hear and be obedient to the Word, the Commands of God as he reveals His Word in your life! (Ephesians 1:4)
The Sanctification of God requires the willingness of your heart to obey and He will empower you to be a Hearer and a Doer for His Great Pleasure and Will. It’s called an offering to God, it begins in your heart; your mind, and your will. The sacrifice is different, as it is what you actually lay down for Him.
1 Thessalonians 2:12
We pleaded with you, encouraged you, and urged you to live your lives in a way that God would consider worthy. For he called you to share in his Kingdom and glory.
Have an Awesome and Blessed Day,
Frances Archer
Terebinth Moreh Ministries
More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ…….
Philippians 3:8
More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ…….
The word “depreciation” means a reduction in value of an asset with the passage of time, due to wear and tear! Has the Value of God depreciated in your life because of the wear and tear of the Journey of Life? Does Jesus as Lord mean the same to you when you first received Him as your Savior?
The reality is we needed a Savior, but as Born Again Believers in Jesus Christ, we now are submitted to Him as King and King of the Kingdom of God! We fall short every day of the Glory, Holiness and Righteousness of God each day because of our carnal minds to serve ourselves, even IN Him as one born of Him. (Romans 3:23)
As believers we battle every day to follow Jesus Christ in the Truth, the Way, and the Life of our Father in Heaven. (John 14:6) That’s why our Lord gave us divine instructions to deny ourselves, Pick up our Cross and follow Him. (Matthew 16:24) As Apostle Paul asked, the religious jews of his day, I will ask you this morning, “Do you despise the riches of His kindness, forbearance, and longsuffering, not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance? (Romans 2:4)
What is Apostle Paul saying? Do you devalue the Work of God in the lives of all He created, forgetting that Who He is: Kindness, Patience and Longsuffering to you, He is the same with ALL? And It is Who He IS to you, that this very God will be that, to others leading them to be turned to Him as their God?
Who God IS; Kindness, Patience and Longsuffering keeps us turned to Him in the trials and uneven places of the Journey of Life. How do we remember His lovingkindness of our past, to save us when we didn’t even know we were dead and needed to be saved?
How do we remember the forbearance, the patience of God, to NOT give us what we deserve as ones who ignore and oppose His ways and truth in our lives every day?
How do we remember the longsuffering of God to endure the low places in our lives as He works in us and for us as believers?
We remember The Cross and The Crucifixion of Our Lord Jesus Christ! The plan of Our Father to send A Savior to World and the willingness of Our Lord to suffer, die and bear the Sins; past, present, and future, Once and For all, that we as believers can boldly live in Him and declare the Greatness of God as we come to end of our faith in Jesus which is the salvation of our souls, the living hope of being with Our Father in the new heaven and earth. (Hebrews 9:28)
Do not allow Jesus to depreciate in your life! He is and has been the zeal and power of every breath we take, IF we are born again and born again in the One the Father sent, His Son, Jesus Christ! He died so we would be more, forevermore!
Be Refreshed in your mind today, to look again at The Cross and The Crucifixion of Jesus and be Reminded of the Goodness of Lord and Remain turned to God in all of your heart, mind, soul, and strength. (Matthew 26, 27)
Frances Archer
Terebinth Moreh Ministries
The Bible reminds us in 1 Peter 1: 1-4 that through the Knowledge of God and our Lord Jesus Christ, we have been given ALL THINGS pertaining to living a Godly Life! This is not just living but living in earth as one of the children of God.
The Bible reminds us in 1 Peter 1: 1-4 that through the Knowledge of God and our Lord Jesus Christ, we have been given ALL THINGS pertaining to living a Godly Life! This is not just living but living in earth as one of the children of God. It is through the ONE WHO CALLED US that we come into the Knowledge of HIM and THE WAY TO COME IN, ENTER, & BECOME ONE with God. The Way given in the Call of God is the WAY of Jesus Christ!
It is only through faith in Jesus Christ that one can answer The Call of God, TO COME TO HIM. This is The Heavenly Call of God to return and be reconciled with the Creator of your very being, Our Father (Hebrews 3:1) Apostle Paul reminds us there is ONLY ONE CALL.......A CALL TO HIM!
The answer to The HEAVENLY CALL to God has a specific answer for those that will hear. The one who answers the call is saying “Yes” to being “conformed into the image of His Son”. (Romans 8:29) Many are given the opportunity to answer, “The Call” as Jesus came to “save the world.” (1 John4:14) However there are only a few that will agree to be as God predestined His Call to be, in the Image of Jesus. (Matthew 20:1-16)
The reality of being saved and enduring until the end of salvation in Jesus Christ is that there is a destination of those God will choose from the ones given the opportunity of The Heavenly Call. This destination is to be conformed, transformed into the image and likeness of His Son, becoming whom the Father created when He created mankind in the Image and likeness of Himself. (Genesis 1:26)
It is wonderful to come into the knowledge that is embedded in the “making” of us in the “new creation” of Jesus Christ through the divine power of God. (2 Corinthians 5:17) This knowledge is that we are given ALL THAT WE NEED TO LIVE A GODLY LIFE IN JESUS!
In The Heavenly Call we are positioned to be “Of Him” and “For HIM”. The position “Of HIM” places us in His Image as one that is made “Of HIM”. We are to be Holy as He is HOLY! (1 Peter 1:16) We carry the DNA of our Father, who chose us in the Life of Jesus Christ. (Ephesians 1:4) This is the calling to BE OF OUR FATHER in the earth, as He is…HOLY. This is the calling to HOLINESS in the Heavenly Calling of God! (1 Thessalonians 4:7)
Not only are we positioned in The Heavenly Call of God to be Holy, but we are also positioned to be “For Him”. As one positioned “For HIM” we are created in the likeness of Jesus as He demonstrated from beginning of His birth to the exalted ending of His earthly life. (Philippians 2) The position Jesus walked in from the beginning was unto to death to Serve God! This is the Mark of the High Calling of God! (Philippians 3:14)
Jesus came to die at the service, devotion for the Father. It pleased God that He be bruised for us. (Isaiah 53:10) Jesus tells us himself that He came to serve! Jesus served the Father in His will to reconcile mankind to Himself, and in THIS service, He was a gift to many. (Matthew 20:28) This is the High Callings of Christ in the only Call of God, the Heavenly Calling.
Never forget Jesus Came to Reconcile the World, Return the World to The Creator, our Father! This is the only Call of God! Everything else is IN THIS CALL. Don’t miss the order of Your Salvation, to be reconciled to God and it is there You Must Endure until the end. Where is There, in the life of Jesus Christ! It’s always about the One Who Called You and His Pleasure! And His pleasure is in RECONCILATION!
Be Renewed in your minds today, it is freedom indeed!
Frances Archer
Terebinth Moreh Ministries
The Knowledge of God is simply His Thoughts, His Way, His Wisdom, His instructions! We, as Born Again Believers have received His Thoughts in the Mind of Christ!
The Knowledge of God is simply His Thoughts, His Way, His Wisdom, His instructions! We, as Born Again Believers have received His Thoughts in the Mind of Christ! It is only with the Mind of Christ working in us through the gracious power of the Spirit of Truth, Holy Spirit that we are empowered with His “will'' and His “to do” to the pleasing will of the Lord! (Proverbs 2, 1 Corinthians 2:16, John 16:13, Philippians 2: 13)
Oh, How Powerful is the Knowledge of God in our lives! (2 Peter 1:1-4)
As we continue to meditate on The Knowledge of God in our minds and hearts, I pray you will continue to confess that you will, “Grow in the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ” according to 2 Peter 3:18.
Below are a few reminders for the week that the Knowledge of God is and remains powerful in your life, that YOU glorify God the Father of us all, in and through Jesus Christ, Our Lord.
Reveals God……..John 17:3
Draws You……...John 6:44
Washes You…….John 15:3
Empowers………James 4:7
Protects………….John 16:33
Illuminates……...Psalms 119:105
Keeps You……...1 John 2:5