We are Born In Jesus to Make it TO HIM!

Jude 1:24-25 Now all glory to God, who is able to keep you from falling away and will bring you with great joy into his glorious presence without a single fault. All glory to him who alone is God, our Savior through Jesus Christ our Lord. All glory, majesty, power, and authority are his before all time, and in the present, and beyond all time! Amen.

Apostle Jude ended his short letter to “those who have been called, who are loved in God the Father and kept for Jesus Christ” with a declaration of God being the only one is able to keep us from stumbling. Apostle Jude had to address the false teachers that were among the Christians during that time that were perverting the very understanding of the unmerited favor and power of God to give eternal life in Jesus Christ. Perversion is to take something and “turn it away” from the truth of it, to alter it from its true intent or purpose. These false teachers taught that the Grace of God was a “license to sin”, denying the very one who was crucified that “sin” dealt with in our lives. Sin acts against God, from our minds or motivation, are the very things that separated us from our Creator and Father, God.

Does that sound familiar? “False Teachers” in our eyes and ears manipulating, presenting “perverted” information, cunningly enticing the people of God to accept and participate in the very acts, attitudes, ways, and worldly truths that oppose God! Even to the craftiness of using the language and ways of godly messages to falsely pull us away to “forms of light”……..pure deception of the truth and a lie!

False Teachers in our generation are not only those that are ungodly people but also media and social facades that give an impression of God and His ways but are inherently impure and not from the Father of All. These false ideas and ways are not uncommon to mankind and will entice us in the natural or carnal areas of our human lives. Why, because the “flesh” of human nature is without God, and cannot perceive much less desire Him. The ‘flesh’ desires what it wants for its own satisfaction, never considering God or “every word that proceeds out of His mouth”.

But now in the lives of Jesus Christ, indwelt by the Holy Spirit we have everything we need to live a godly life and come to the purpose of God’s will and end of the given faith in Jesus, our salvation. Salvation into peace with our God and the promise of eternal life WITH HIM! Sin is present in the human capacities of believers; however, Holy Spirit is doing a mighty work IN US to bring us to the glorious end as evidence of God’s faithfulness in what He created. Sin may have its moments in us however it will not prevail because Holy Spirit is in us and we are in Jesus Christ. Grace is not a license to sin, it is a license to be free and overcome, what the enemy of God, the “adversary” among us wants to steal, kill and destroy….your life and your life in Christ!

He is greater in you than you can ever imagine or think! Yield to Holy Spirit, be led by Him in every area of your life, obey the Words of Jesus revealed to you daily and mature in the life of Him, producing the godly ways and truth in your life!


Scriptures of references: Jude 1, Is 59:2, 1Timithy 4, James 1:1-16, 2 Peter 1, 1 Corinthians 10:13, 1 Peter 1:9, Romans 8:9-11, John 14:26, John 10:9-10, John 14:23)

It’s Intentional It’s the Godly Life!


Frances Archer

Terebinth Moreh Ministries




No Condemnation!